Wednesday, January 12, 2011

OHpedia Project Rubric

Below this paragraph is a list that Nathan (my partner) and I have made to contribute to the creation of our grading rubric. We used a google document that was shared between all of our school students that contained our opinions on what makes a good online lesson. Below are the trends that Nathan and I noticed were most frequently used to detail a good online lesson.


-Strong introduction
-Music throughout lessons
-"colorful" writing
-There is a constant in each lesson
-Each module could be a different format
-Fun facts
-Links to different websites
-Introduction to the module
-Discussion groups
-Contents page
-Online flashcards
-Online notebook
-Practice tab to help with review
-Condensed lesson
-Games to help you learn


-printed publication
-visual representation


-visual media

Written Information:

-interesting introduction

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