Monday, January 17, 2011

Daily Goals Check Out

Did you achieve your daily goals?

Yes I did. I met with Mr. Randy and we went over Nathan and I's planning form and then I got to work. First, I split the benchmarks for our standard up. We have fifteen so I took the first 8 and gave Nathan the last 7. Then I went and found three websites for each of the benchmarks. Prior to this, I also found some useful information about World War II in general and I evernoted it. So overall, I completed my daily goals.

Why or why not?

Well I felt like I was pretty focused today. I knew what I needed to get done and I completed it. Because we don't have "checkmarks" in PBL it feels like we aren't getting that much done. But I know that we moved ahead a lot today.

What did you notice about yourself as a learner today?

I noticed that when I want to be focused, I can be. But I lose focus easily when something else is going on in the room or if I hit a speed bump (such as not being able to find something). Sometimes what is going on outside or in the room around me easily distracts me so I need to work on finding a center and staying focused throughout the day. I found that by skyping my friends instead of turning around to talk to them really helps me because it doesn't turn into a full blown conversation so quickly.

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